Our Students



Chicuchas Wasi Girls

Chicuchas Wasi students come from underserved poor rural communities where extreme distance to few public schools, cost for the required school uniforms and supplies for public school make education unavailable, especially for girls. Parents and their daughters are interviewed and selected by CW staff based on need and to be sure they have no other education options for their daughter. Students who met the CW criteria are enrolled free of charge to the family.

Our students briefly tell us what school means to them:

Lisbeth Nancy

Lisbeth Nancy: Fight

Why do you like your school?

“I like my school because I learn that education is good and my teachers give me all I need. Here I learn who I ought to be. It teaches me to get ahead and be a good woman.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?

“I will FIGHT for my school”


Glisián: Professional

Why do you like your school?

“Because it’s very pretty and the school is very clean.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?

“Because I want to become a PROFESSIONAL.”

Evelyn Paola: UNION

Evelyn Paola: Union

Why do you like your school?

“Because they (teachers) teach me certain things. Also we are developing our brains.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?



Jeanet : Spectacular

Why do you like your school?

“Because it helps me become a professional and more in my life.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?

“It is a SPECTACULAR school.”


Briceth: Strong

Why do you like your school? 

“Because it is big and beautiful and everyone gives me affection and love.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school? 

“I want to be a STRONG professional.”


 Edith: Best

Why do you like your school? 

“Because I like it and it will bring me to be a professional and good person for myself and my society.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school? 

“It is the BEST.”


 Almendra: Cheerful

Why do you like your school? 

“Because it is my second home.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school? 



Flordina: Stage

Why do you like your school? 

“Because it’s my second home and it’s where I live and I spend the days in it. And I love coming to my school to learn more. And because I love my teachers so much. It is also so beautiful when my friends are here and we get to learn many things.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?

“It is a STAGE of my life.”


Maria: Coexistence & Respect

Why do you like your school? 

“Because I learn many things. And now that I am going to my school, I want to stay here.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school? 



Leydi: Family

Why do you like your school? 

“Because I want to be my best self and I will achieve that.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?



 Lisbeth: Protection

Why do you like your school?

“Because in my school there is love and affection and friendship.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?



Evdin: Love

Why do you like your school? 

“It’s beautiful and I have many friends alongside me. And because I want to learn more. I want to be a great person. I want to be a great professional. I want to demonstrate that I can do more.”

Is there one word (or phrase) to describe why you love your education or your school?

“It gives me LOVE.